EPIRB, PLB, and SART Servicing
The battery change interval for an emergency beacon is typically 5 years. Irrespective of whether the beacon flashes its light when you press the test button, you need to check the service date and get the battery changed on time. This will ensure the unit will operate in an emergency, and will have enough remaining battery life to keep working until you are rescued.
Sartech is the leading independent service company in this field and can service beacons from all the leading makes.


EPIRBs on SOLAS vessels are subject to mandatory shore-based maintenance at 5 year intervals under SOLAS IV/15.9.

We follow manufacturer approved procedures and use genuine parts when servicing PLBs – to the same standard as required for EPIRBs. In most cases, PLB service involves replacement of all mechnical parts such as case and antenna.

SART servicing is a similar process, however carrying out proper testing requires sending radar signals and checking the response. We developed our own hand-held tester, ARG5420, capable of accurate measurement of frequency range and spectrum. ARG5420 is no longer in production, but it is still used in our workshop. Every serviced SART is returned with a set of test results.